Learning Session

Lightning Web Components

LWC Web Series S01 E04

In this virtual world, we are too much attached to web series and binge-watching. Here I present the last episode of a four-episode web series to learn LWC featuring Sahil Batra.

Lightning Web Components are Custom HTML elements built using HTML and modern JavaScript. LWC uses core Web Components standards and provides only what’s necessary to perform well in browsers supported by Salesforce. Most of the code you write is standard JavaScript and HTML.

Season 1 Episode 4Finale

Navigation Service, Aura and LWC Interoperability

In this episode, we will meet the following characters

  1. Various configurations of meta.xml file
  2. Lightning Navigation Services
  3. Using External JS libraries
  1. Including LWC in Aura
  2. Direct and Indirect communication between LWC and Aura
  3. Advance References

Stay tuned for Season 2

Join our Letterkenny Developers Group for more such sessions.


Sahil Batra

MTX Group, Inc

Director, Team Enablement

Learning Session

Lightning Web Components

LWC Web Series S01 E03

In this virtual world, we are too much attached to web series and binge-watching. Here I present the third episode of a four-episode web series to learn LWC featuring Sahil Batra.

Lightning Web Components are Custom HTML elements built using HTML and modern JavaScript. LWC uses core Web Components standards and provides only what’s necessary to perform well in browsers supported by Salesforce. Most of the code you write is standard JavaScript and HTML.

Season 1 Episode 3

Working with Salesforce Data including LDS

In this episode, we will meet the following characters.

  1. Lightning Data Service
  2. Use of base components with LDS
  3. Use LDS and wire adapter
  1. Calling Apex using @wire
  2. Calling Apex using imperative calls
  3. Refresh Apex

Binge watch the next episode now. S01 E04


Sahil Batra

MTX Group, Inc

Director, Team Enablement

Learning Session

Lightning Web Components

LWC Web Series S01 E02

In this virtual world, we are too much attached to web series and binge-watching. Here I present the second episode of a four-episode web series to learn LWC featuring Sahil Batra.

Lightning Web Components are Custom HTML elements built using HTML and modern JavaScript. LWC uses core Web Components standards and provides only what’s necessary to perform well in browsers supported by Salesforce. Most of the code you write is standard JavaScript and HTML.

Season 1 Episode 2

Component Communication Using Events

In this episode, we will meet the following characters.

  1. Communication with events
  2. Custom Events
  3. Event Propagation
  1. Communication between independent components
  2. Shared JS Code
  3. Utility JS

Binge watch the next episode now. S01 E03


Sahil Batra

MTX Group, Inc

Director, Team Enablement

Learning Session

Lightning Web Components

LWC Web Series S01 E01

In this virtual world, we are too much attached to web series and binge-watching. Here I present the first episode of a four-episode web series to learn LWC featuring Sahil Batra.

Lightning Web Components are Custom HTML elements built using HTML and modern JavaScript. LWC uses core Web Components standards and provides only what’s necessary to perform well in browsers supported by Salesforce. Most of the code you write is standard JavaScript and HTML.

Season 1 Episode 1

Introduction and Fundamentals

In this episode, we will meet the following characters.

  1. Introduction to LWC
  2. Why LWC ?
  3. Evolution of Web stack and Standards
  4. LWC Framework
  5. Aura & LWC
  6. Environment Setup
  7. LWC Bundle
  8. Build your First Component
  9. Applying CSS to Components
  10. Loop & Iteration
  1. Data Binding
  2. Conditional Rendering
  3. Decorators (@track @api @wire)
  4. Public Boolean Properties
  5. Getter and Setter Methods
  6. Calling Child component’s methods
  7. Compositions and Slots
  8. Component Lifecycle and its Hooks

Binge watch the next episode now. S01 E02


Sahil Batra

MTX Group, Inc

Director, Team Enablement